What is likely to be one of the most remarkable beer dinners in Belgium in 2014 is next week. The “Great Belgian Beer Dinner 2014” initially sold out so quickly for the Wednesday, April 23 date-in just 20 minutes or so-that an extra day, Tuesday the 22nd, was added. For next Wednesday, extra tables will be brought in to increase the seating capacity.
The dinner features an all star lineup of six chefs who are experts in the area of beer cuisine, including Stefaan Couttenye of ‘t Hommelhof in Watou. Five other celebrity chefs-four of them Belgian, and one American-will help create what should be a very memorable meal.
They are:
Tom De Four, De Heeren van Liedekercke (Denderleeuw), Vincent Florizoone, restaurant Grand Cabaret (Nieuwpoort), Chris Lively, Ebenezer’s Pub & Restaurant (Lovell, Maine – USA), Hilaire Spreuwers, restaurant BitterZoet (Zonhoven) and Sam Van Houcke, restaurant Onder de toren (Hansbeke.)

The dinner will happen at Gents Stadsbrouwerij Gruut, at Grote Huidevettershoek 10. Gruut is a brewpub run by Annick Desplenter, one of Belgium’s lady brewers.

For full details, see here
Just a few seats remain now for Wednesday evening, as Tuesday is sold out. See here to make reservations.
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