Meet Chuck Cook, Belgian Beer Specialist!
Your guide to the vibrant world of Belgian beer!
With 200 brewery visits in Belgium, including all Trappist Abbey breweries and top lambic producers, Chuck is your go-to expert.
Your global source for all things Belgian Beer.

Flemish Brewery Features
Flanders, the Flemish-speaking northern half of Belgium, has great lambic brewers and blenders, sour brown ale makers, and innovative breweries producing a myriad of beers.

Brussels and Wallonia Brewery Features
With Farmhouse breweries, rolling countryside, and great natural beauty, the less densely populated southern half of Belgium, French-speaking Wallonia, beckons visitors.

Cafes and
Belgium is home to hundreds of great beer cafes where you can savor the country’s national drink, and restaurants where you can enjoy fine cuisine and beer. Come here to read about them.

News and Events in Belgium and Beyond
Look here for information on beer tastings, beer festivals, beer releases, and other news from the Belgian beer world, as well as Belgian-inspired events and news in the English-speaking world.
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From the travels of Chuck Cook, your guide to the vibrant world of Belgian beer!
HORAL’s Oude Geuze Megablend 2024
Read More: HORAL’s Oude Geuze Megablend 2024Belgium’s Toer de Geuze, which is a biennial open house at most of Belgium’s lambic breweries and blenderies, was held the weekend of May 4-5, 2024. It was a great success, with an estimated 20,000 attendees, despite cold and wet weather on the Saturday. Toer de Geuze is organized by HORAL, which is The High…
Sang Bleu: a new star in the Brasserie Cantillon lineup
Read More: Sang Bleu: a new star in the Brasserie Cantillon lineupBrasserie Cantillon, Brussels’ beloved lambic brewery, has been crafting a plethora of interesting and superb lambic beers for many years. Cantillon and its brewer, Jean Van Roy, continue to do numerous experiments with fruited lambics, as well as lambics infused with grapes and berries, and other things. Some of the experimental lambics are repeated on…
Gueuzerie Tilquin: Toer de Geuze 2024, the “Family Tree Project”, and more!
Read More: Gueuzerie Tilquin: Toer de Geuze 2024, the “Family Tree Project”, and more!Gueuzerie Tilquin has announced its plans for Toer de Geuze 2024, and the revered lambic blendery-now also a lambic brewery-should be a great place to spend a few hours during the weekend of May 4 and 5. Toer de Geuze is an open house at most of the lambic breweries and lambic blenderies in Belgium’s…
Café Posts
’t Parlement: Halle’s great beer and whisky cafe
Read More: ’t Parlement: Halle’s great beer and whisky cafeHalle, a historic market town 12 miles (19 km) southwest of Brussels, sits on the edge of Belgium’s Payottenland. Halle is in the Province of Flemish Brabant, and is part of Belgium’s lambic country. As such, it should be no surprise that the city has a number of great beer-focused cafes, and that lambic is…
A visit to De Bascule, a great Lambic and Trappist beer cafe in Pepingen, Belgium
Read More: A visit to De Bascule, a great Lambic and Trappist beer cafe in Pepingen, BelgiumPepingen is a collection of villages in the heart of the Payottenland, in Belgium’s lambic country, to the south and west of Brussels. The municipality of Pepingen is comprised of the villages of Beert, Bellingen, Bogaarden, Elingen, Heikruis, and Pepingen. This area is full of beer cafes, breweries, and distilleries. These include Brouwerij Sako in…
’t Paddenbroek: A Great New Beer Specialist Cafe in the Payottenland
Read More: ’t Paddenbroek: A Great New Beer Specialist Cafe in the PayottenlandWhile the pandemic forced quite a few beer cafes in Belgium to close their doors, it was a bit kinder to Belgium’s lambic country and culture, which has continued to thrive. Lambic breweries and blenderies did not take a break during Covid, producing lots of new brews, with some excellent ones among them. Following the…