Meet Charles “Chuck” Cook
Your guide to the vibrant world of Belgian beer!
With nearly 200 brewery visits in Belgium, including all the Trappist Abbey breweries and top lambic producers, Chuck is your go-to Belgian beer expert. Based in Richmond, Virginia, he’s a seasoned writer for various beer publications, even contributing to the book “1001 Beers You Must Taste Before You Die.”
Chuck’s not just a writer; he’s a photographer as well, and is deeply involved in the Belgian beer scene. He co-hosted the “Wild & Spontaneous Beer Tour of Belgium” four times, sharing his knowledge of lambic and wild Belgian beers. Chuck was also one of 52 international beer judges at the “Brussels Beer Challenge” in 2013. He’s been on Belgian TV and radio, and he’s spoken about Belgian beer at prestigious venues like The Smithsonian Associates in Washington, D.C.
Keeping up with Belgium’s dynamic beer landscape is no small feat, but Chuck’s on it. He usually makes at least two trips to Belgium every year, amassing a treasure trove of tens of thousands of photos, and hundreds of hours of audio recordings with brewers and beer cafe owners. His site is a hub for brewery features, café spotlights, and the latest from the Belgian beer world. Don’t miss out — tune in often for the freshest updates!
And if you’re interested in Belgian beer events in the U.S. or need Chuck’s expertise, he’s available for speaking engagements and consulting work. Get in touch and dive into the world of Belgian beer with Chuck!
Charles D. Cook, aka “Chuck”, is also known as “The Belgian Beer Specialist” and has traveled to Belgium 43 times since 1994 to explore, experience, and enjoy its incredible beer culture.
He is the primary driving force behind the content on this site.
What to Expect
On this site you’ll see brewery feature articles, café spotlights, and other beery news from Belgium. is updated frequently, and hence beer lovers from across the globe tune in often to read about news from the Belgian beer world.
Chuck will also occasionally cover Belgian beer bars and beer events in the U.S. as well as some of the best Belgian-inspired beers.
If you are interested in having Chuck speak at an event, or you require Belgian beer expertise, he is available for consulting work. Please feel free to contact him.
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Contact Chuck
Honorary Knighthood
Chuck was enthroned as an Honorary Knight Of the Brewers’ Paddle of the Belgian Brewers Guild in Brussels on September 2, 2023.
200 Breweries
Chuck has visited about 200 different breweries in Belgium, including multiple visits at all the Trappist Abbey breweries, and most of the lambic producers in “The Beer Country.”
400 Cafés
He has also visited about 400 beer-focused cafes and restaurants, and many of the best beer festivals in Belgium.
Prolific Writing
Chuck has written for over two dozen publications and contributed to 1001 Beers You Must Taste Before You Die
Here’s Some Background
Chuck is a Belgian Knight
Chuck was enthroned as an Honorary Knight Of the Brewers’ Paddle of the Belgian Brewers Guild in Brussels on September 2, 2023.

Chuck has visited about 200 different breweries in Belgium, including multiple visits at all the Trappist Abbey breweries, and most of the lambic producers in “The Beer Country.” He has also visited about 400 beer-focused cafes and restaurants, and many of the best beer festivals in Belgium. He makes Richmond, Virginia his home.
Chuck has written for such publications as Ale Street News, All About Beer Magazine, Beer Connoisseur Magazine, Beers of the World Magazine, Beer and Brewer Australia and New Zealand, Beeradvocate Magazine, Beer Northwest Magazine, Belgian Beer and Food Magazine, BUZE Magazine, CAMRA What’s Brewing, Celebrator Beer News, Craft Beer and Brewing Magazine, Delta Airlines Sky Magazine, Draft Magazine, Distiller Magazine, Great Lakes Brewing News, Silverkris, the travel magazine of Singapore Airlines, Taps: The Beer Magazine and USA Today. He is also a contributor to the book “1001 Beers You Must Taste Before You Die.”
Due to his extensive knowledge of lambic and other wild Belgian beers, and familiarity with Belgium’s lambic country, and its brewers and lambic blenders, Chuck was invited to help plan and co-host the “Wild & Spontaneous Beer Tour of Belgium” which he did in 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022.
Chuck was one of 52 International beer judges at the second edition of the “Brussels Beer Challenge” which is an International beer competition, held in Liege in November 2013. He has also appeared on Belgian TV news, and has been aired on Belgian radio. Chuck was also a guest speaker at The Smithsonian Associates in Washington, D.C. in November 2018, where he talked about Belgium’s famous Brasserie Cantillon, and Bieres de Chimay, aka the Chimay Trappist brewery. Additionally, he has given talks on the subject of Belgian beer at Max’s Taphouse in Baltimore, MD, and the Rock ‘n Roll Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Keeping up with Belgium’s quickly changing beer scene is no easy task, as new breweries and bars open at an ever-increasing pace. To keep up, Chuck usually makes two trips to Belgium each year. He has logged tens of thousands of high-resolution photographs during all his travels. This, in addition to hundreds of hours of audiotape with brewers, café owners, and beer lovers, gives him a nearly unparalleled amount of content from which to draw.