Trappistes Rochefort, Part 2: Abbey, Church, Library
Chuck Cook
Well, it’s been awhile since I posted Part I of this Rochefort series. Here is part 2, finally: A look behind the scenes in the Abbey, Church, and library at the Trappist ‘l Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy, and its Brasserie Rochefort. This April 2013 tour was given by Frère Pierre, the monk in charge of the brewery.
The church at l’ Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy near the town of Rochefort, Namur Province.A fountain near the church entrance at l’ Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy.View from the church looking back towards the parking lot.Brother Pierre inside the church at l’ Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy.
As I mentioned in Part I, this was my fourth visit to the abbey and brewery at St-Remy. The beautiful abbey grounds, with its many fountains, an old mill, and other serene architecture, make for an incredibly peaceful visit.
The Abbey and Library can rarely be visited, so enjoy the photos from this hallowed place.
Entrance to the church at l’ Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy.The Labyrinth on the floor of the church at l’ Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy.An organ inside the church at Rochefort.A long corridor inside l’ Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy.The Refectory (dining room) where the monks of l’ Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy eat.Another shot inside the Refectory/Monk’s dining room.The place setting of “P Abbe” or, Father Abbot, the monk in charge of the abbey.The place setting of “F Prieur” or The Prior, the second in command at the abbey.Brother Pierre’s place setting in the dining room at l’ Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy.The abbey motto Brother Pierre is pointing to reads, in Latin: “Bent, I stand up.”Inside the library at l’ Abbaye Notre Dame de St-Remy, Rochefort.Some of the very old books in the abbey library.More very old books in the abbey library.This world atlas was printed in Brussels in 1827.A map of California from the world atlas, 1827.Brother Pierre with another very old book in the St-Remy library.Brother Pierre showing one of my group an old book.An old book with special binding to hold it together.No, we haven’t forgotten about beer. Here’s a shot taken after the tour inside a small tasting room near the Rochefort brewery.
The three Rochefort beers-6, 8, and 10-are proudly imported into the USA by Merchant du Vin of Seattle, Washington.
Part III will be the bottling line, lab, and rest of the brewery…..
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