As to the ingredients used in the Cambron brews, all the malts come from Malterie de Chateau (note: you North American brewers may know it as Castle Malting) in Beloeil, just a few km away. “The aromatic hops come from Poperinge, here in Belgium. Our bittering hops come from Germany,” Maes commented.
As for the beers, there are four at the moment: a Blonde, Brune, Cherry, and Blanche (White/Witbier.)
I found all to be pleasing and refreshing, especially given the general public that they are intended for. “We have to appeal to the general public for the most part. So we can’t get too crazy,” Antonin remarked.
The Cherry was pretty middle of the road: nicely done, and not too sweet, which is a good sign. It clocks in at between 4 and 5% abv, and uses juice from Eastern European cherries in its recipe. The Blanche has 4.5%, and is a good hot weather brew. The Blonde weighed in at 5.5% and impressed me, as a good abbey blonde should. The Brune (Brown) ale is heaviest, at 7.5% abv. “Some people like a strong beer, so we offer the Brune, a common style in Wallonia,” Maes commented.

You have to enter the park to visit the brewery, so you may as well plan on spending the whole day. Pairi Daiza is open from the end of March until 3 November in 2013, from 10 am to 6 pm. In July and August, the park is open till 7 pm. I recommend you plan on eating lunch at the brewery restaurant, or at one of the other restaurants on site. The Chinese restaurant is said to be one of the best in Wallonia. All of the eateries and bars on site have good reputations. With many millions of euros pouring into Pairi Daiza every year, the owners have every reason to keep visitors happy with fine dining and beverages!
There are many photos of the park on the Pairi Daiza Facebook page.
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