I visited Brouwerij Mort Subite in Kobbegem in November, 2008. It’s full of huge wooden foeders, a classic copper brewhouse, and a fine staff, led by Bruno Reynders. However, at the moment, the products that I’d like to see the most stateside-namely, their Oude Gueuze and Oude Kriek, are not imported to the U.S. Yet, anyway. These are very low production beers, worth seeking out if in you are Belgium.

Mort Subite is owned by Alken-Maes, which is owned by Heineken. Can we convince the powers that be to bring the authentic Oude Gueuze and Oude Kriek to the U.S.? I hope so. Those who have tasted the Oude Gueuze and/or Oude Kriek, please feel free to leave comments. Maybe we can make a difference and get these brews imported to the U.S.A.! Oh, and I’m guessing my buddies up in Canada would want some too. 🙂

For now, enjoy a pictorial look at this lambic brewery.

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