One of the many favorites of the famed Brasserie Cantillon is Fou’ Fonne, which is a beer using French apricots steeped in 2 year old lambic. Foufonne is the nickname of a French apricot grower, François Daronnat, who sang the praises of his apricots during a visit by Jean Van Roy to the Rhône region of France. Jean suggested that those apricots-which are both a bit sweet but also acidic-could be used to make a great beer. François followed through and shipped some apricots to Cantillon in 1998.

From the Cantillon website: “Due to the success of our provençal beer, 1200 kgs of apricots are delivered now every year to the Cantillon brewery. The fruits are stoned by hand before being soaked in 2 years old lambic. The beer extracts the taste and the aromas very quickly and the Fou’Foune is bottled after two months. The beer is rather sour, slightly turbid and has a pale gold colour. Its production is limited to 3000 liters a year. A large part of the bottles go back to the region where these apricots come from. People there consider the Fou’Foune Cantillon as a local beer.”

We opened one that I picked up at the brewery in November 2013, just recently. Enjoy the lambic eye candy.

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