There’s nothing like having a portable trailer purpose built for housing a lot of different beers on draft. Good beers. Great beers, in this case. Anyone that’s had the pleasure of seeing-and drinking from-the Brouwerij Alvinne–De Struise Brouwers “Tap Trailer” will know what I mean. (I just made that name up, but it kinda sounds cool, eh?)

The Alvinne and De Struise crews had the trailer parked just inside the entrance to the Zythos Bier Festival in Leuven last year, and it was a really popular stand. One of the most popular of the entire fest, in fact. When you have 30 taps pouring beer from two of Belgium’s most impressive breweries-both of which have a cult-like following-it’s to be expected.

Will the Tap Trailer grace the floor of the Brabanthal on April 26-27? Let’s hope so. 🙂
I’m getting thirsty already.

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